Last week Rick and I took Holly to this bounce house in Sandy Utah. It was really fun. On Wednesday mornings they do open play time from 10:00 am- 1:00 pm, so we thought that we would try it out. Holly and Rick had a great time bouncing and playing and I enjoyed watching and taking pictures (it's hard to bounce when pregnant).
Holly had a great 2nd birthday. It was so much fun. She loved having us sing to her and blowing out the candle. Our friends Dani, Amanda, and Jeremy came over for cake and ice cream and brought Holly some of her favorite things...balloons, stickers, and a book with Dora on it. While we were in Arizona Pop Pop and G.G. took us to Chuck E. Cheese for some pizza, games, and presents. Holly loved every minute and she got a new best friend out of the deal, Jessie from Toy Story, who also enjoyed riding the little kid rides. Best 2 year old party ever :)